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Braised Duck with Sea Cucumber (海参鸭)

Ingredients: 1/2 duck (~500g), washed and chopped into smaller pieces 2-3 sea cucumbers, already hydrated from FairPrice, cut into chunks....

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Minced Pork with Egg Tofu

  • 2 tubes of egg tofu 
  • 1 cup of minced pork 
  • 1 cup of mixed vegetables 


  1. Slice egg tofu into pieces and leave on top of kitchen towel to dry for 15mins. This will reduce splattering when panfrying the egg tofu later. 
  2. Marinate minced pork with 1/2 tsp of light soya sauce, 1 tsp of corn flour and a dash of pepper and cooking wine. Set aside. 
  3. Heat oil in wok. Panfry egg tofu till light brown. Set aside. 
  4. Using same wok, leave about a tbsp of oil. Fry minced garlic till fragrant. Add minced pork and quickly stir fry to break into smaller pieces. Add a tsp of salt and mix well. When Pork is no longer pink, add mixed vegetables. Stirfry and mix well. 
  5. Add hot water and bring to a boil. Depends on how much gravy you want and adjust water accordingly. Add a tbsp of oyster sauce , salt and pepper to taste. Return egg tofu to wok. Stir in corn flour water to thicken the gravy till the consistency you want. Off heat and serve hot ☺️

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Braised Chicken with sea cucumbers and mushrooms


  • 1 Sakura Chicken (About 1.5kg) 
  • 10 pieces dry chinese mushroom (soaked in water to soften and remove the stem when it is soft) 
  • 1-2 pcs sea cucumbers cut to 1 inch size 
  • 10 cloves of garlic (smashed)
  • 5 slices of ginger 

  • 2 tbsp dark soya sauce (Guang Xiang Tai brand) 
  • 1 tbsp dark soya sauce (Da Hua brand) 
  • 1 tbsp light soya sauce
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce 
  • 2 pieces rock sugar / 2 -3tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • Water enough to cover ingredients 
  1. Use salt and rub all over chicken. Rinse well and and chop into smaller pieces. Marinate chicken pieces with 1 tbsp thicken dark soya sauce, 1 tbsp light soya sauce, 1 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp ginger juice. Mix well and marinate for 30mins. 
  2. In a clay pot/ wok, add about 2 tbsps of oil, put in garlic and ginger. Sauté till fragrant. Squeeze water out from mushrooms. Add sea cucumbers and mushrooms stir fry for 10 mins. Add marinated chicken and and fry till chicken is no longer pink and lightly brown. 
  3. Add seasonings and mix well. Add mushrooms water and top up more water to cover the ingredients. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 30mins. Stir in-between simmering to ensure even cooking. Skim off extra oil on top during braising. 
  4. Ensure sea cucumbers soften and chicken is cooked through before off heat. Check the taste, and adjust seasonings accordingly.  Thickened with some corn flour water. Serve hot. 

Shredded chicken porridge with dry scallops and quinoa

{Collaboration with Superlife Co. ~ Quinoa} 
Shredded chicken porridge with dry scallops and quinoa -Porridge with a slight twist ! 😄 Added quinoa into the porridge for my little 👦🏼’s lunch! Hope to introduce him to a healthier version of porridge!
  • 1 cup pearl rice
  • 1/2 cup jasmine rice
  • 3 tbsp quinoa
  • About 1-1.5 liter of chicken stock /water 
  • 1 piece of chicken breast 
  • 3 big pieces of dry scallops
  • 5 cloves garlic 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Mix pearl rice and jasmine rice together. Wash rice and drain away water. Add 2 tbsp of oil (I used shallot oil) and 1 tsp of salt to marinate the rice. Set aside for 30mins. 
  2. Rinsed and soak 3 big pieces of dry scallops with hot water and set aside. Wash and rinse a piece of chicken breast. Place chicken breast in a bowl and pour boiling water into it. Let it soak for 15mins and pour away water.
  3. Boil a pot of water or chicken stock. Add 4 cloves of garlic and also the scallops with water. Bring to a boil and add marinated rice. Bring it to a boil again and add chicken breast and 3 tbsp of quinoa. Continue to simmer at lower heat till rice puffs and soften. Off heat and set aside. Remove chicken breast and shred when it’s cooled down.
  4. Rest porridge for about 30mins to an hour. Reheat porridge. Add more water/ chicken stock and constantly stir porridge to prevent it from sticking to pot and burning porridge. After reheating, porridge will yield a smooth texture. Season with salt or light soya sauce to taste.
  5. Topped with shredded chicken, garnish with spring onion, fried shallots, sesame oil/ shallot oil and a dash of pepper. Serve hot. 
Quinoa courtesy from Superlife Co. ~ https://superlife.co/product/whitequinoa/

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Simple steamed chicken with garlic

  • 4 chicken big drumsticks 🍗 
  • 3 tbsp minced garlic 
  • 2 tbsp light soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce 
  • 1 tbsp ginger juice 
  • 1 tbsp cooking wine 


  1. Rub chicken drumsticks with salt and rinsed off. Marinate chicken drumsticks with seasonings for at least 4 hours/ overnight. 
  2. Remove from chiller 30mins before steaming. Topped with freshly minced garlic and steam at high heat for about 20-25mins (depends on how many pieces of chicken you have. Off heat and leave in steamer for 5 mins. 
  3. While steaming chicken, use a small saucepan to heat up some oil. Fry a tbsp Of minced garlic till it’s golden brown and crispy. Remove and set aside. When chicken is done, add crispy garlic and drizzle garlic oil over chicken and garnish with spring onion before serving. ☺️

Monday, June 4, 2018

Golden Crispy Chicken Balls (金碧辉煌鸡肉球)

(Collaboration with Superlife Co.~ Quinoa)
  • 1 big boneless chicken leg with skin / 
  • 2 small boneless chicken legs with skin 
  • 1 packet minced chicken (bought from ntuc) 
  • 1/2 medium-size onion 
  • 1/2 medium-size carrots 
  • 3 tbsp cooked quinoa 
  • 2 tbsp Japanese Mayonnaise 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper 
  • 1 tbsp ginger juice 
  • 1 tbsp mirin 
  • 1-2 tbsp corn flour (depends on amount of minced chicken)
Prepare the following for frying chicken balls:
  • Pot with oil
  • 1 cup corn flour
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1-2 cups breadcrumbs/panko
  1. Diced chicken breasts and chicken boneless legs. Used a chopper to mince chicken till meat is soft. I used a combination of meat so as to ensure that the meat will not dry and tough after cooking. 
  2. Cook quinoa by steaming or over stove-top. Set aside. 
  3. Chop and minced onion and carrot into small tiny pieces. Add onion, carrot and quinoa into minced chicken and mix to combine. Add the rest of the seasonings into mixture. Stir mixture in one direction to combine seasoning with chicken and mix till a sticky texture is achieved. Cling wrap and chill in fridge for 30mins before frying. 
  4. To make chicken balls, oil fingers and palm first. Use a spoon to scoop the desired amount of chicken and shape into ball. Coat with corn flour, then egg and lastly breadcrumbs. Set aside in a plate. You can shape into patty instead of balls. 
  5. Heat pot with oil.  Make sure there is enough oil to cover at least two-thirds of chicken balls.  Use chopsticks to test oil.  If there are bubbles around the chopsticks, oil is ready for frying.  fry prepared chicken balls till golden brown.  I made the chicken balls bite-sized so it cooks real fast! Within a minute or two, it'll be done!  Lower heat if oil is getting too hot so that chicken balls will not be burnt,  Served chicken balls with ketchup, mayonnaise or chili sauce.  😋😋 
Note: Quinoa can be purchased from Superlife Co.