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Braised Duck with Sea Cucumber (海参鸭)

Ingredients: 1/2 duck (~500g), washed and chopped into smaller pieces 2-3 sea cucumbers, already hydrated from FairPrice, cut into chunks....

Saturday, September 18, 2021

See Yau Gai aka Soy Sauce Chicken



Chicken (1 sakura chicken/ 4-6 chicken big thighs)  

4-5 hard boiled eggs (deshelled) 

1 Japanese cucumber (sliced) 

1 tomato (sliced) 


- 1 cup of light soya sauce (I used guang xiang tai) 

-  4 tbsps of dark soya sauce 

- 1 tbsp of oyster sauce 

- 1 tbsp of rock sugar 

- 5 cups of water 

- 10 cloves of garlic, skin on (wash and rinse well) 

- 4 slices of ginger 

- 8 rose buds 

3 stalks of spring onion

- 3 stalks of coriander roots (optional) 


  1. In a big pot, combine the condiments for the sauce and bring it to a boil for 10mins. 
  2. When the sauce is ready, slowly lower chicken into pot by holding onto the neck and ladle sauce and carefully pour over chicken. After several times, gently place chicken into pot and ensure chicken is submerged in sauce during cooking. Bring to a simmer and continue to cook at medium-low fire for 25 minutes, slightly cover. Intermittently scoop sauce over chicken to ensure that chicken is well covered with braising sauce. 
  3. After 25 mins, bring the heat up to a boil, off heat and cover for 5-10mins. 
  4. Remove chicken and allow it to cool a bit before cutting to serve.  
  5. Prepare some corn flour slurry. Mix 1 tbsp of corn flour with 2 tbsps of water. Transfer some braising sauce into small saucepan, thicken with corn starch slurry and drizzle over chopped chicken. 


For the remaining braising sauce, I will use a sieve to remove any garlic and remaining ingredients. This can be kept in chiller to use for the next few day after to braise away. It serves as a base to your master sauce. If you do not intend to cook next few days after, you can transfer the sauce into a freezer-proof container and use within a to braise another time. 

Enjoy the yummy chicken! 😋😋😋 

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