Sunday, June 24, 2018

Shredded chicken porridge with dry scallops and quinoa

{Collaboration with Superlife Co. ~ Quinoa} 
Shredded chicken porridge with dry scallops and quinoa -Porridge with a slight twist ! 😄 Added quinoa into the porridge for my little 👦🏼’s lunch! Hope to introduce him to a healthier version of porridge!
  • 1 cup pearl rice
  • 1/2 cup jasmine rice
  • 3 tbsp quinoa
  • About 1-1.5 liter of chicken stock /water 
  • 1 piece of chicken breast 
  • 3 big pieces of dry scallops
  • 5 cloves garlic 
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Mix pearl rice and jasmine rice together. Wash rice and drain away water. Add 2 tbsp of oil (I used shallot oil) and 1 tsp of salt to marinate the rice. Set aside for 30mins. 
  2. Rinsed and soak 3 big pieces of dry scallops with hot water and set aside. Wash and rinse a piece of chicken breast. Place chicken breast in a bowl and pour boiling water into it. Let it soak for 15mins and pour away water.
  3. Boil a pot of water or chicken stock. Add 4 cloves of garlic and also the scallops with water. Bring to a boil and add marinated rice. Bring it to a boil again and add chicken breast and 3 tbsp of quinoa. Continue to simmer at lower heat till rice puffs and soften. Off heat and set aside. Remove chicken breast and shred when it’s cooled down.
  4. Rest porridge for about 30mins to an hour. Reheat porridge. Add more water/ chicken stock and constantly stir porridge to prevent it from sticking to pot and burning porridge. After reheating, porridge will yield a smooth texture. Season with salt or light soya sauce to taste.
  5. Topped with shredded chicken, garnish with spring onion, fried shallots, sesame oil/ shallot oil and a dash of pepper. Serve hot. 
Quinoa courtesy from Superlife Co. ~

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