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Braised Duck with Sea Cucumber (海参鸭)

Ingredients: 1/2 duck (~500g), washed and chopped into smaller pieces 2-3 sea cucumbers, already hydrated from FairPrice, cut into chunks....

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Grilled Pork Ribs (Collaboration with Nomu Spice)

Grilled Pork Ribs served with Japanese potato salad and grilled veggies! Let the oven do the work dinner (cos I need to “study for exams” 😪😑😣) 又是陪太子读书的晚餐! 😬😬

Dinner is easy cos just popped pork ribs into oven and continue revision with son whos having last papers this week! Using Nomu Poultry rub, salt and pepper and some other seasonings to marinate pork ribs since Saturday night and the ribs are moist and super 入味 😋! Best to eat using your fingers!

Bored of using just salt and pepper for your meals? Prepare a dish with Nomu spices* and you could be one of the 3 lucky participants to win Nomu products worth $80! Nomu products are available at Fairprice Finest and Redmart/Amazon. @Nomusg @Nomu Sg #nomu

Contest details: https://www.facebook.com/notes/singapore-home-cooks/nomu-contest/2492476904154704/

1 kg of prime pork ribs

Marinade Rub
  • 1.5 tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 tsp Nomu Poultry Rub (reserved 1 tsp to sprinkle on top of ribs before grilling) 
  • 1 tsp Nomu sea salt 
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder 
  • 2 tbsp ketchup 
  • 2 tbsp BBQ sauce (any brand)
  • 1 tbsp of tapioca flour 
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate soda (optional) 
  1. Rinsed and pat dry pork ribs. Used a knife to remove the membrane at the back of the ribs. Use a fork to poke at the flesh part of the ribs to ensure that the marinade be absorb into the ribs. ya
  2. Mix the marinate rub in a bowl.
  3. Place pork ribs into a ziplock bag. Pour marinade rub evenly onto ribs. Gently rub and coat ribs fully with marinade. Flattened and squeeze out the air in the ziplock bag. I double-bagged it to ensure that it doesn’t leak. 
  4. Leave the marinated ribs in the chiller overnight. (I marinated it on Saturday night and grilled for Monday dinner.) 
  5. Bring the ribs out to the countertop 30mins before grilling. 
  6. Lay a piece of baking paper on top of aluminum foil. Place marinated ribs on baking paper. Sprinkle a tsp of Nomu poultry rub on ribs. Wrap and fold up the ends of the aluminum foil to secure it firmly. 
  7. Reserve the excess marinade into a bowl. 
  8. Place on baking tray with wire rack. Grill in preheated oven of 210 degrees Celsius for an hour and 15mins. 
  9. When time is up, remove ribs from oven. 
  10. Open up and transfer ribs onto wire rack in the baking tray. Do not discard the liquid that from grilling ribs that is in the aluminum foil. 
  11. Place ribs back into oven. Continue to brown ribs at 190 degrees Celsius. 
  12. Prepare 2 tbsp of honey mixed with 2 tbsp of water. Pour the excess liquid from the aluminum foil to mix together with the honey mixture. Used this mixture to baste the ribs evenly twice while browning the ribs. 
  13. Remove ribs once it’s brown to your desired liking. Cover with a luminous foil and set aside for 10mins to rest the ribs. 
  14. Sliced and serve! 😋 
  15. If you prefer to have a sauce to go with the ribs, combine the remaining honey mixture with the reserved marinade. Bring to to a simmer in a saucepan and adjust and thicken the sauce accordingly. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Simple Turmeric Rice (Collaboration with Nomu Spices)

Simple Turmeric Rice for a rainy day dinner 🥘
(陪太子读书的晚餐! 😬😬 Two more papers to go!)

First time cooking turmeric rice and the boys love it! Lovely smell of turmeric filled the kitchen and added Nomu spices for aroma and flavor! Turmeric has many benefits, one of which is boosts brain function! (Which my ah boy needs now 🤣)

Bored of using just salt and pepper for your meals? Prepare a dish with Nomu spices* and you could be one of the 3 lucky participants to win Nomu products worth $80! Nomu products are available at Fairprice Finest and Redmart/Amazon. @Nomusg @Nomu Sg #nomu

Contest details: https://www.facebook.com/notes/singapore-home-cooks/nomu-contest/2492476904154704/


  • 2 cups of Jasmine rice (rinsed)
  • 1 cup of carrots (diced) 
  • 1 cup of frozen edamame beans 
  • 2 tbsps of butter 
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil 
  • 1/2 cup onion finely diced 
  • 5 cloves of garlic minced 
  • 2 cups of chicken broth (homemade/ store bought) 
  • 2.5 tbsps of turmeric powder (Nomu spice) 
  • 1 tbsp of herbs mix (Nomu Provençal rub) 
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • Salt to taste (to reduce if you used store-bought chicken broth) 
  • Freshly cracked black pepper to taste 


  1. Rinse rice till water runs clear, drain and set aside. 
  2. Heat a saucepan at medium heat, add olive oil and butter. 
  3. When butter is melted, add onion and garlic, sauté until softened. 
  4. Add rice and turmeric. Mix until well combined and rice is nicely coated with turmeric. 
  5. Add carrots, chicken broth, bay leaf and hens mix. Give it a quick stir and cover pan. Increase heat and bring to a boil. 
  6. Reduce heat and lower to a simmer for 15-20 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. In between simmering, add thawed edamame beans on top and cover again 
  7. Remove from heat and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Remove bay leaf, fluff with a fork and serve. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chicken Cheese Balls 🧀

[Collaboration with Laughing Cow Cheese]
The littlest boy 👦🏼 loves laughing cow cheese and also loves chicken ! Combined these two to have Chicken Cheese Balls for his snack-time! 😊 Did the healthier version which is to airfry rather rehab deeply-fry! You can also deep-fry if you like.

For the month of October (whilst stock last), purchase any two boxes of The Laughing Cow 8 Portions to redeem a free The Laughing Cow dorayaki pancake (worth $2) from Bakery Cuisine.
#thelaughingcow #snackyourway

Follow me on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seok_bin/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quek.bin.1
  • 500g of minced chicken (you can use store-bought or use a food processor to mince chicken breast) 
  • 3 stalks of spring onion (chopped) 
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tbsps of milk (I used Meiji fresh milk) 
  • 4 wedges of original Flavour (smooth & creamy) Laughing Cow Cheese 
  • 1/2 tbsp of Baking powder
  • 1 tsp of salt 
  • 1 tbsp of garlic powder 
  • 2 tbsps of olive oil 
  • 2-3 packets of crackers/biscuits (use a rolling pin/ a cup to smash into crumbs before opening up and pour into a plate) 
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. 
  2. Mix in minced chicken and one wedge of Laughing cow cheese with your hands. 
  3. Add in garlic powder, olive oil and spring onion. Mix till well combined. 
  4. Add in milk gradually and mix till it comes together like a dough. You might not use al the milk. 
  5. Heat airfryer at 190 degrees for 5minutes.  
  6. Slice the remaining cheese wedges into about 1cm size. 
  7. Prepare a small bowl of water. Wet hands and take some chicken mixture and form into a ball. Use index finger to press into the middle to make a hole. Stuff a piece of cheese and roll into a ball. Coat chicken balls with biscuit crumbs. Set aside on a plate. 
  8. Spray a piece of baking paper lightly with some oil. Place chicken balls on baking paper and spray some oil. 
  9. Airfry chicken balls for 7-10 mins, timing depends on size of chicken balls. Flip at least once during airfrying. Serve hot with mayonnaise or chili sauce. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Easy Fresh Fruits Agar-agar 🍓🍍

  • A bunch of fresh longans
  • A box of fresh strawberries
  • A quarter of fresh pineapples (can replace with can ones) 
  • 2 packets of agar agar powder 
  • 400g of sugar 
  • 4 pandan leaves (tear and tied in knot) 
  • 2 liters of water 
  • A mould 
  1. Diced and cut the fruits into smaller prices. I used about 1.5-2cups of fresh fruits each (estimation after cutting).  
  2. Dissolve agar agar powder in water and heat over low heat with pandan leaves. At the same time, stir and dissolve 400g of sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar accordingly to your taste. I didn’t follow the instructions on the packaging and used less sugar as the fruits natural sweetness will give the agar agar sweetness. 
  3. Allow the mixture to cool for about 5-10mins. 
  4. Pour agar agar mixture to about half of mould. Add the fruits into mould randomly. Allow to cool for about 5mins. After 5 minutes, use a spoon to stir gently to ensure fruits are evenly mixed. Let the mixture continue to cool down for next 3 minutes. 
  5. Pour the rest of the mixture into the mould and add fruits randomly. Repeat the stirring for next 5 mins. By this time, agar agar will start to set. Chill in fridge to let it set. Un-mould agar agar carefully onto a plate when ready to eat. 

Soy Sauce Chicken / See Yau Gai

  • 1 spring chicken/ 4-6 chicken legs.
  • 1 cup of light soya sauce 
  • 3 tbsp of dark soya sauce
  • 4 cups of water
  • 10 cloves of garlic, skin on
  • 4 slices of ginger
  •  8 dry rose buds/ 2 tbsps of rose wine 
  • 1 tbsp of rock sugar
  • 3 stalks of spring onion 
  1. Combine ingredients, except chicken into a pot and bring it to a boil for 10mins. 
  2. After sauce is ready, hold chicken by the neck and gently dip into sauce for several time. You can also use a ladle to scoop sauce and drizzle over chicken to get an even color. Then gently place chicken into pot. 
  3. Once sauce reboils, lower heat and continue to cook at low fire for 20mins. Ensure chicken is fully submerged in sauce during cooking. Off heat after 20mins. 
  4. Remove chicken and let it cool off a little before chopping into pieces for serving. Set aside. 
  5. Scoop some sauce into small saucepan. Heat saucepan. Once sauce boils, thickened sauce with potato or corn starch water to form a thick gravy. Off heat and drizzle gravy over chopped chicken.
  6. For the remaining sauce, I added taupok, tau gua and hard boiled eggs and braised them as additional sides. Enjoy the yummy chicken! 😋
Note: You can keep the remaining sauce in the fridge to use for the next day. Add more ingredients for another meal for the next day.