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Braised Duck with Sea Cucumber (海参鸭)

Ingredients: 1/2 duck (~500g), washed and chopped into smaller pieces 2-3 sea cucumbers, already hydrated from FairPrice, cut into chunks....

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Easy Fresh Fruits Agar-agar 🍓🍍

  • A bunch of fresh longans
  • A box of fresh strawberries
  • A quarter of fresh pineapples (can replace with can ones) 
  • 2 packets of agar agar powder 
  • 400g of sugar 
  • 4 pandan leaves (tear and tied in knot) 
  • 2 liters of water 
  • A mould 
  1. Diced and cut the fruits into smaller prices. I used about 1.5-2cups of fresh fruits each (estimation after cutting).  
  2. Dissolve agar agar powder in water and heat over low heat with pandan leaves. At the same time, stir and dissolve 400g of sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar accordingly to your taste. I didn’t follow the instructions on the packaging and used less sugar as the fruits natural sweetness will give the agar agar sweetness. 
  3. Allow the mixture to cool for about 5-10mins. 
  4. Pour agar agar mixture to about half of mould. Add the fruits into mould randomly. Allow to cool for about 5mins. After 5 minutes, use a spoon to stir gently to ensure fruits are evenly mixed. Let the mixture continue to cool down for next 3 minutes. 
  5. Pour the rest of the mixture into the mould and add fruits randomly. Repeat the stirring for next 5 mins. By this time, agar agar will start to set. Chill in fridge to let it set. Un-mould agar agar carefully onto a plate when ready to eat. 

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