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  Ingredients :  700g Jumbo Grey Prawns (around 15-16 pieces)  120g Mozzarella cheese Japanese Mayonnaise 2 stalks of fresh parsley (minced)...

Monday, July 2, 2018

Cheese-stuffed Pancake Balls

[Collaboration] Today’s 🍱: Cheese-stuffed Pancake Balls 

Made these savory-sweet pancake calls as snacks for the kids’ bentos today! Using Ham-flavored laughing cow cheese wedges as filling and with Japanese pancake mix, it’s an easy snack or quick breakfast for the kids 😊  
#thelaughingcowsg #snackyourway 

  • 1 small packet Japanese Pancake Premix (Morinaga brand- I packet has 4 smaller packets)  
  • 6 pieces ham-flavored laughing cow cheese wedges 
  • 2 eggs (about 60g) 
  • 40g castor sugar 
  • 1 knob of butter 
  • 1 tbsp water 
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda 
  1. Preheat oven at 180 degC. 
  2. Add eggs, water, sugar, butter and baking soda in a mixing bowl. Whisk to combine. 
  3. Add in pancake premix in batches and mix well. Sliced cheese wedges into smaller cubes. 
  4. Grease mini muffin pans with butter. Pour mixed batter into muffin pans. Fill to 1/3 and add cheese cubes. Pour batter to cover cheese and fill till about 80% filled. 
  5. Bake in preheated oven for about 10-15mins till pancake balls puffs up and toothpick comes out clean. (** Oven temperatures vary so please adjust accordingly) 

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